Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Our Story

New beginnings…

That’s what SmartScience is about. Our story, didn’t just start once upon a time. It had many initiations, twists, pivots and adaptations as we evolved from a graphic design services company and printing shop in Montreal, in the 80’s to what we are today; a cutting edge, one-of-kind marketing agency, led by a global, multidisciplinary team of designers, artists, scientists and business people.

Since 1982 we’ve serviced thousands of clients across every industry and weathered numerous economic, technological and social leaps forward. While it may be too early to say so now, the Covid19 pandemic has forced a massive technological and businesses shift leaving so many companies by the way side. But it was during this pandemic that the world saw how important community really is and how vital innovation and technology plays a role at giving us the highest quality of life we’ve ever known in human history. That’s why we’re here… to support companies that solve problems, like yours, make a difference in the world.

What if we viewed the Covid Pandemic as a stepping stone and opportunity to a new way of doing business, instead of as a roadblock. because today’s new normal has thrown business as usual out the window. We’re here to offer new opportunities that’ll take your company to new heights

Real marketing is not just about a website, business card or email campaign, its building marketing strategies for your new Market place.

Here’s a Snap Shot of Our Portfolio

Our Team is the Heart of our Business

Your solution can change the world, our team can make it happen.

Our Team is the Heart of our Business

Your solution can change the world, our team can make it happen.

Our team...

is preparing...

their new...


What Our Team Says About
Working in Smart Science

“I have been working with many teams over the last 40 years, and at this moment in time I would have to say that I am so pleased to have the opportunity to be working with a Team or should I say family that share a common vision and are great at what they do. They are wonderful contributors and enrich each other by sharing their knowledge. Thank you for making this environment wonderful and always striving for greatness. “

- Brian